• Email Us : admin@yuvmak.com
  • Call Us : +447746111034

Our Services

Our Services

All our services are based on the principles of Strengths Based Approach
Our services specialise in supporting young people facing homelessness, including those who are:


Care leavers or looked after children (over 16)


Overcoming addiction


Experiencing family or relationship breakdown


Unaccompanied young people seeking asylum

We provide a safe place for young people to live, learn and make the transition to independent adulthood. Our supported living services have the resources to offer in-house counselling with qualified and registered counsellors. In addition, we promote positive links with employment, training and educational facilities. All these help each person to take control of their lives and work towards achieving their personal goals.

Our services are underpinned by the Young Person Outcomes Framework and aim to:

  • Provide a stable placement
  • Safeguard privacy, dignity and safety
  • Ensure consistency through an allocated Key Worker/Mentorsystem
  • Pay attention to practical self-care needs including health, budgeting, domestic and social skills
  • Enable young people to reach their full potential through education, training and employment opportunities
  • Promote independence through social inclusion and practical living skills
  • Nurture resilience and emotional well-being
  • Support and encourage positive relationships with families, friends and professionals
  • Meet their social, cultural and individual needs
  • Assist young people leaving care to claim the welfare benefits that they are entitled to
  • Ensure that young people are at the forefront of assessment, planning, reviews and decision making
  • Monitor and evaluate outcomes through structured support planning and regular reporting